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Τα παραπάνω sites είναι από τα πλέον αξιόπιστα , με σχεδόν μια πενταετία στον χώρο και πληρώνουν σίγουρα .( το neobux έχει περίπου 5.500.000 μέλη ) . Πως λειτουργούν; Γράφεστε δωρεάν χρησιμοποιώντας το mail σας και ακολουθώντας την διαδικασία που συνήθως συναντάται σ΄ όλα σχεδόν τα sites . Αφού εγγραφείτε επιτυχώς και ενεργοποιήσετε τον λογαριασμό σας , αρχίζουν τα δύσκολα . Για να μην σας κουράζω , όσοι έχετε την υπομονή να αφιερώνετε 10 - 15 λεπτά καθημερινώς για 3 μήνες ( ναι έτσι είναι ) ,μπορείτε να κερδίζετε από εκεί και πέρα 5 - 6€ την ημέρα . Αν πάτε για παραπάνω , η ώρα ενασχόλησης αυξάνεται ( περίπου μιάμιση ώρα για κάθε site ) . Όσοι λοιπόν έχετε την υπομονή και την επιμονή και είστε διατεθειμένοι να το πράξετε , συνεχίστε το διάβασμα …. εδώ. |
Τετάρτη 28 Νοεμβρίου 2012
Κυριακή 4 Νοεμβρίου 2012
Toyota Motor Awards!
Toyota Motor Corporations
Headquarters, Euclid Ave
Ontario, CA 91762, USA.
Attached to this email is your winning notification for the prize you
have won.Do e-mail our dealer at once with your Completely Filled
Datails in the attachment for validation of your prize and to avoid
unnecessary delay.
Congratulations from the staffs and members of Toyota motor corporation
Mr. Fujio Cho.
Chairman of the Board.
©2012 Toyota motor corporation.
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
Headquarters, Euclid Ave
Ontario, CA 91762, USA.
Attached to this email is your winning notification for the prize you
have won.Do e-mail our dealer at once with your Completely Filled
Datails in the attachment for validation of your prize and to avoid
unnecessary delay.
Congratulations from the staffs and members of Toyota motor corporation
Mr. Fujio Cho.
Chairman of the Board.
©2012 Toyota motor corporation.
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
Τετάρτη 31 Οκτωβρίου 2012
Reference Number: MPN560882012.
British Microsoft Award
Thames Valley Park,
United Kingdom.
Attached to this email is your winning notification for the prize you
have won.Do e-mail our Fiduciary Agent at once with your Completely
Filled Details in the attachment for validation of your prize and to
avoid unnecessary delay.
Congratulations from the staffs and members of British Microsoft
Lottery Board,
Signed By: Rev.Dr. M. A Clarkson
Lottery Board Director
Head Office U.K
77735 876378
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
Thames Valley Park,
United Kingdom.
Attached to this email is your winning notification for the prize you
have won.Do e-mail our Fiduciary Agent at once with your Completely
Filled Details in the attachment for validation of your prize and to
avoid unnecessary delay.
Congratulations from the staffs and members of British Microsoft
Lottery Board,
Signed By: Rev.Dr. M. A Clarkson
Lottery Board Director
Head Office U.K
77735 876378
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
Τετάρτη 17 Οκτωβρίου 2012
Resolution Center - Account Issues
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It has come to our attention that your PayPal account information needs to be
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Open and Complete this form to avoid account termination.Remember to allow
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Thank you. PayPal Account Service
Τετάρτη 10 Οκτωβρίου 2012
Resolution Center - Account Issues
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Thank you. PayPal Account Service
Παρασκευή 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
αυτό είναι καταπληκτικά πράγματα happpend
iPhone 5 € 420
η ναυτιλία είναι ελεύθερη
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η τιμή είναι πολύ καλή
αυτό είναι καταπληκτικά πράγματα happpend
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η ναυτιλία είναι ελεύθερη
η ιστοσελίδα πωλούν επίσης άλλα είδη κινητό τηλέφωνο, ipad ....
η τιμή είναι πολύ καλή
www. gohisa.com
Una tarjeta especial de su nieto.
May the Force be with you!
Πέμπτη 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
MY FAMILY NEEDS YOUR ASSISTANCE.(view attached message for more details)
This may appear a bit surprising to you but very beneficial as a matter of urgency, I am desperately
looking for a foreign partner whom I can trust to handle some investment or fund movement .I am Mrs.
MARIA PFEBVE wife of late MR.PETER PFEBVE, who was murdered by the Zimbabwean veterans
and irate black people. I am writing from South Africa. I got your address from the internet through the
Consultancy directory during my search for a reliable and honest person to transact this business
with. I write to solicit for your special assistance to a family shattered by a tyrannical government
led by a dictator and his (ZANU-PF) ruling party-president Robert Mugabe. Because of land and
farm land crisis in Zimbabwe, the government secretly sponsored the war veterans and some irate
party members to dispossess the land being occupied by white farmers. This action has led to the
killing of some members of opposition party including my husband (Mr. PETER PFEBVE).But
before the death of my husband, he anticipated some dangers and so he deposited the sum of
US$15.4M(Fifteen million four hundred Thousand United States Dollars)in the name of our
only son JAMES PFEBVE, with the help of reputable security company in south Africa with
the intention of using it to open fertilizer manufacturing company among other companies in our
neighboring country(Swaziland) after his university education. On the 29th of June 2002, the war
veterans and some supporters of (ZANUF) ruling party trooped into our compound and axed him
(my husband) to death. Since then, they have been terrorizing my only son, JAMES PFEBVE,
but we managed to escape to a neighboring country, South Africa where given political asylum
status (refugee). Our position in South Africa as refugees does not permit us to open an account
or run any huge financial business that is why I want this fund to be transferred into your private
account so that you will assist him to invest it in your country. Hence, if you agree to assist us,
we will offer you 20% of the money for your assistance, 80% will be for our family investment in
your country through your assistance. I need your urgent and confidential response. Please you can
contact my son JAMES PFEBVE Email him at jpfebve001@yahoo.es
Best regards,
(For The Family).
Upon your immediate response, I will immediately arrange and send to you all the information that
will empower your good self in finalizing the transaction with the security company here in South
Africa I will also send to you the agreement that will protect both interest .And also further
Information about you is necessary for I can not play on this. Waiting for your prompt and
positive response. Please read about
problems in Zimbabwe from the link below.
This may appear a bit surprising to you but very beneficial as a matter of urgency, I am desperately
looking for a foreign partner whom I can trust to handle some investment or fund movement .I am Mrs.
MARIA PFEBVE wife of late MR.PETER PFEBVE, who was murdered by the Zimbabwean veterans
and irate black people. I am writing from South Africa. I got your address from the internet through the
Consultancy directory during my search for a reliable and honest person to transact this business
with. I write to solicit for your special assistance to a family shattered by a tyrannical government
led by a dictator and his (ZANU-PF) ruling party-president Robert Mugabe. Because of land and
farm land crisis in Zimbabwe, the government secretly sponsored the war veterans and some irate
party members to dispossess the land being occupied by white farmers. This action has led to the
killing of some members of opposition party including my husband (Mr. PETER PFEBVE).But
before the death of my husband, he anticipated some dangers and so he deposited the sum of
US$15.4M(Fifteen million four hundred Thousand United States Dollars)in the name of our
only son JAMES PFEBVE, with the help of reputable security company in south Africa with
the intention of using it to open fertilizer manufacturing company among other companies in our
neighboring country(Swaziland) after his university education. On the 29th of June 2002, the war
veterans and some supporters of (ZANUF) ruling party trooped into our compound and axed him
(my husband) to death. Since then, they have been terrorizing my only son, JAMES PFEBVE,
but we managed to escape to a neighboring country, South Africa where given political asylum
status (refugee). Our position in South Africa as refugees does not permit us to open an account
or run any huge financial business that is why I want this fund to be transferred into your private
account so that you will assist him to invest it in your country. Hence, if you agree to assist us,
we will offer you 20% of the money for your assistance, 80% will be for our family investment in
your country through your assistance. I need your urgent and confidential response. Please you can
contact my son JAMES PFEBVE Email him at jpfebve001@yahoo.es
Best regards,
(For The Family).
Upon your immediate response, I will immediately arrange and send to you all the information that
will empower your good self in finalizing the transaction with the security company here in South
Africa I will also send to you the agreement that will protect both interest .And also further
Information about you is necessary for I can not play on this. Waiting for your prompt and
positive response. Please read about
problems in Zimbabwe from the link below.
This may appear a bit surprising to you but very beneficial as a matter of urgency, I am desperately
looking for a foreign partner whom I can trust to handle some investment or fund movement .I am Mrs.
MARIA PFEBVE wife of late MR.PETER PFEBVE, who was murdered by the Zimbabwean veterans
and irate black people. I am writing from South Africa. I got your address from the internet through the
Consultancy directory during my search for a reliable and honest person to transact this business
with. I write to solicit for your special assistance to a family shattered by a tyrannical government
led by a dictator and his (ZANU-PF) ruling party-president Robert Mugabe. Because of land and
farm land crisis in Zimbabwe, the government secretly sponsored the war veterans and some irate
party members to dispossess the land being occupied by white farmers. This action has led to the
killing of some members of opposition party including my husband (Mr. PETER PFEBVE).But
before the death of my husband, he anticipated some dangers and so he deposited the sum of
US$15.4M(Fifteen million four hundred Thousand United States Dollars)in the name of our
only son JAMES PFEBVE, with the help of reputable security company in south Africa with
the intention of using it to open fertilizer manufacturing company among other companies in our
neighboring country(Swaziland) after his university education. On the 29th of June 2002, the war
veterans and some supporters of (ZANUF) ruling party trooped into our compound and axed him
(my husband) to death. Since then, they have been terrorizing my only son, JAMES PFEBVE,
but we managed to escape to a neighboring country, South Africa where given political asylum
status (refugee). Our position in South Africa as refugees does not permit us to open an account
or run any huge financial business that is why I want this fund to be transferred into your private
account so that you will assist him to invest it in your country. Hence, if you agree to assist us,
we will offer you 20% of the money for your assistance, 80% will be for our family investment in
your country through your assistance. I need your urgent and confidential response. Please you can
contact my son JAMES PFEBVE Email him at jpfebve001@yahoo.es
Best regards,
(For The Family).
Upon your immediate response, I will immediately arrange and send to you all the information that
will empower your good self in finalizing the transaction with the security company here in South
Africa I will also send to you the agreement that will protect both interest .And also further
Information about you is necessary for I can not play on this. Waiting for your prompt and
positive response. Please read about
problems in Zimbabwe from the link below.
Τρίτη 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
Υπενθύμιση: Ο Kommatika Kaialla σας προσκάλεσε να γίνετε μέλος του Facebook...
Τετάρτη 22 Αυγούστου 2012
ΤΕΙΡΕΣΙΑΣ - ΡΥΘΜΙΣΕΙΣ ΟΦΕΙΛΩΝ - ν.3869/2010 ( Υπερχρεωμένα νοικοκυριά ) ( ΔΙΑΦΗΜΙΣΤΙΚΟ ΜΗΝΥΜΑ )
Κυριακή 15 Ιουλίου 2012
Promoção Cartão Amigo: Você de casa nova e seu amigo de carro 0km.
Se você não consegue visualizar essa mensagem por completo, favor clique aqui. |
Παρασκευή 13 Ιουλίου 2012
New message from Resolution Center
Restore your account
You have received this file because your PayPal account has been temporarily suspended.
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When you will complete the document we have sent, remember to ALLOW javascript and ActiveX to run from the bar that will pop-up,
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Copyright © 1999-2009 PayPal. All rights reserved.
otherwise we cannot verify the informations you have provided.
August 31, 2010:Valued PayPaI Member, We have reasons to believe that your account was accessed by a third party. Because protecting the security of your account is our primary concern, we have limited access to sensitive PayPal account features. We understand that this may be an inconvenience but please understand that this temporary limitation is for your protection.
Thank you for your time and understanding, PayPaI Resolution Center .
Πέμπτη 28 Ιουνίου 2012
From Mrs. Aisha Moammar Gadhafi
Dear Beloved,
Pardon my unsolicited email to you. I am only desperate and the only way to relieve my mind is to talk to somebody with believe that you will reason with me. What happened in my life was not my making because I was born with the golden spoon and it had remained there till when the crisis started last year. I do not wish you to judge me for what I did not do because I was born into the family with everything and that did not give me the opportunity to see the other side of life. I wish you to see me as a desperate mother who needs your help for the safety and future of her children. I have 3 children and with the way things are going they might end up begging on the street if nothing is done fast. My name is Aisha Moammar Gadhafi, the daughter of the late Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. I do not wish to go into details about my father, he was a great man I must confess but all that was yesterday.
I am seeking your assistance to help me secure some funds and houses my father gave to me. The united Nation has already sized everything in United Kingdom and the United States but we have a very strong connection in other parts of Europe that we have funds that are still well secured which I wish you to remove for me and integrate it to your bank account. There are also good properties I will wish to sell as soon as possible to enable me secure the fund because the United Nations will definitely find out since my father friend is no longer in government. I will send you the documents to the properties but the most important is to secure the fund from the finance/fiduciary house as soon as possible. I will not disclose the amount until I have the confidence that you will help me as requested. Please what happened in Libya was not my making and plead you do use it against me because I could not change it even if I wanted to.
I am presently in Algeria with close monitoring by the government because they believe I have violation of an exile agreement with Algeria to refrain from any political and financial activity. I therefore urge you to open communication with my British lawyer Mr. Tyler Hess who is currently in London on his personal email: tyler.hess65@yahoo.es Based on my current refugee situation in Algeria and sensitive nature of this deal I chose to remain anonymous until this deal is finalized.
My lawyer shall give you details of how we can proceed.
I look forward to your immediate response.
Best regards,
Aisha Moammar Gadhafi (Mrs.)
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